Miniature Schnauzer Rescue of Houston
The rescue with a heart as big as Texas
Every Day Giving
We deeply appreciate your gifts and those generous donations warm our hearts because they allows Miniature Schnauzer Rescue of Houston to rescue dogs who need them now and continue saving homeless dogs that will need them in the future.
But, did you know you can help them in other ways every day without spending an extra penny when you shop online?
Here’s how: Just click on the pictures below. If necessary, numbers and/or codes have been provided. For the Kroger Plus & Randall’s Remarkable cards, key in those numbers and every time you shop and scan your card, a portion of your purchase will help MSRH. When you purchase NuVet Labs products, please use the MSRH Order Code and a portion of your purchase will be donated as well. And, if you buy low cost pet medicines through Pet RescueRX or shop using iGive merchants, you can simply designate MSRH as your charity of choice. The only cost is a minute or two of your time, but it helps in a big way when you Give, Share & Care!
Have you wanted to try ordering from Chewy.com but haven't gotten around to it? Now is your chance to get great products at great pricing and help MSRH in the process!
For every new customer to Chewy.com that makes a purchase (first time customer, one per household), the company will add a donation point worth $20 to MSRH. At the end of the month, Chewy will send a donation check for the referrals.
NOTE: This only applies to customers who have not already purchased from Chewy.com.
Max and Neo has a One for One Donation Program. They donate a product for every product purchased. Max and Neo sells dog collars and leashes and also offers a Monthly Collar Club. Miniature Schnauzer Rescue of Houston benefits as part of Max and Neo's rescue group list. Check them out here.
It is our pleasure to be able to give back by giving MSRH (your volunteers, adopters, and supporters) a lifelong discount code on rogue products. When MSRH supporters use these codes to purchase any Rogue Pet Science product, they will receive 10% off of their purchase! Also, MSRH will receive 10% of each purchase donated back as a cash donation.
Go to: https://roguepetscience.com/ Use Coupon Code: MSRH10
Since 1997 NuVet Labs® has been giving back to our beloved companions, who ask so little in return.
Take a look at Moose McConnell’s NuVet Testamonial. Adopted in 2011 and put on NuVet Plus on Day 1, it’s a remarkable change you have to see to believe!